16-18 November 2021
Palermo (I)
Il teatro e la festa. Il tempio la piazza la scena
17-18 September 2021
Verona (I)
Giù la maschera
15 April 2021
Incontri ravvicinati di etnografia visiva (I)
Il laboratorio di Carnival King of Europe
Djolomari (MK)
by Vladimir Bocev, Nacionalna Ustanova Muzej na Makedonija
The day of masks on the Karst (SLO)
by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina
Carnival in Ponte Caffaro (I)
by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina
COMMON THEMES - Ancestoral flocks
The wild flock
First to enter the carnival scene is very often a wild herd of horned figures, covered in fleece and girdled by heavy garlands of ringing cowbells. It is a very vivid representation of a half-forgotten past in pastoral wilderness which comes back every year to take its toll on the community. |
Lötschental (CH) |
Ottana -
Sardegna (I) |
Festival of Masquerade
Games Surva of Pernik (BG) |
Festival of Masquerade
Games Surva of Pernik (BG) |
Frontera - El Hierro (E) |
Kurenti (SLO), Festival of Masquerade
Surva of Pernik (BG) |
Wayward ancestors
“The old ones”, the “uncles”, the “bearded ones” are the names often popularly given to this kind of masks, which do represent the founding fathers, the ancestors, the dead, who are found to come back yearly to take control. |
Begnishte (MK) |
val dei Mòcheni -
Trentino (I) |
Valfloriana -
Trentino (I) |
Saint Oyen -
Valle d'Aosta (I) |